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1. What ... you usually ( to do) after classes? – I sometimes ... (to play)
basketball with my friend but usually I... ( to hurry) home.
2. What
your sister... ( to do) now? – She ... ( to walk ) with her friends.
3. Monica and Paul ( to go) to the conference next Tuesday. They have
already booked the rooms in the hotel.
4. Where ... Susan ( to be) yesterday? – She ... ( to go) to the birthday party.
5. How many subjects ... she ... ( to study) last year?
6. The children ... (just to finish) decorating the New Year Tree? Our father
... (to bring it yesterday.
7. Why. Paul ... ( to look) so happy yesterday?- He ... (to win) a big sum
of money in the lottery. He ... ( already to buy) a new mobile phone.
8. Frank ... ( to play) a computer game when his father ... ( to return ) home
9. Mike ... (to run) downstairs when suddenly he ... ( to fall) down and ...
(to hurt) his knee.
10. Dave ... ( to check) the mail before he ( to turn off) his computer.
11. Is Ed at home? – No, he ... ( to be) in the gym. He (to train) since five

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)в 2)с 3)а 4) с 5) better 6)the fastest 7) bigger 8)more difficult than 9) the most expensive 10) the youngest

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