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1 I am going to the to buy stamps.
A toy shop B sports shop
C post office
2 Is that new car?
A there B theirs C their
3 you play football?
A Do B Does C Doesn't
4 Why don't you come for a coffee?
A up B down C over
5 My name's Molly. M-O- L-Y.
A double B twin C two
6 His sister goes to school foot.
A in B by C on
7 Those are Mary’s books. They are .
A hers B his C her
8 My brother go out alone; he's only
A isn't B hasn't C can't
9 There are cushions on the bed.
A any B some C an
10 ! I hate peas and carrots.
A Wow B Super C Yuck
11 She take the bus to school; she walks.
A don’t B does C doesn’t
12 Don't you love getting dressed in a
A in B up C down
13 The on her identification card is 15-6-
A full name B expiry date
C telephone number
14 “Where’s the coffee table?” “It’s next the
A to B of C in
15 We watch “The Simpsons” every night. We
miss it.
A always B never C sometimes
16 I’ll the lunch while you're at the shops.
A makes B make C do
17 Open your , Sandy. Time to wake up.
A eyes B mouth C ears
18 We’ll a special dish for John's birthday.
A do B has C make
19 “What’s the date today?” “I think it’s .”
A 25th July B Tuesday C 2007
20 They the washing up now.
A are doing B do C does
21 Pedro is from Barcelona; he is .
A Spanish B Spain C Spaniard
22 Bob is in his room. He his homework.
A does B do C is doing
23 “Is the food good?” “ special.”
A Something B Anything C Nothing
24 On nice days, I my bike to the park.
A sail B drive C ride
25 Why don’t we meet 7 o’clock?
A on B at C in
26 It is dangerous to ride the traffic.
A from B against C on
27 The Smith’s new house very large.
A is B are C be
Choose the correct item.
Mid Test
44 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE
28 Kim’s hair isn’t really straight or curly. It’s .
A fair B wavy C short
29 London is the of England.
A desert B river C capital
30 “Is the party on Thursday?” “No, it's the next
day. On .”
A Saturday B Wednesday C Friday
31 “What time is it?” “It’s half five.”
A to B thirty C past
32 “ do you like my new dress?” “It's lovely!”
A When B How C Why
33 the summer, we often go to the beach.
A In B On C At
34 We can go now, the traffic are green.
A line B lights C lane
35 Don’t sit on the floor; the is much more
A table B carpet C sofa
36 There’s a cinema to the library.
A opposite B next C behind
37 “Does your friend like thrillers?” “Yes, she .”
A do B doesn't C does
38 Ken is the uncle.
A twin B twins’ C twin’s
39 Today’s 2nd July. It’s the day of the month.
A second B third C tenth
40 Come and join the fun!
A on B at C in
41 Why aren’t there chairs in the kitchen?
A a B some C any
42 Don’t touch that! It’s .
A yours B my C mine
43 They buy all their from the greengrocer’s.
A newspapers B bread C vegetables
44 “What’s your ?” “15 Willow Avenue.”
A date B birthday C address
45 I love when all the flowers start to
A spring B winter C autumn
46 the evening, I do my homework.
A At B In C On
47 She doesn’t like travelling plane.
A by B on C in
48 Do you your teeth three times a day?
A wash B brush C scrub
49 My favourite is on TV tonight.
A sitcom B fiction C music
50 Our aunt and uncle’s children are our .
A twins B sisters C cousins
51 Does your mother know how to drive a ?
A car B bike C boat
52 me, is the library on this street?
A Sorry B Excuse C Welcome
53 Never run from the pavement the road.
A into B on C onto
54 “What’s your father’s ?” “He’s a doctor.”
A full name B team C occupation
55 Then you turn right the traffic lights.
A in B at C on
56 Go this street until you reach the bank.
A up B on C onto
57 your home address?
A What’s B Where’s C How’s
58 When you’re in the car, don’t lean out
the window.
A down B of C to
59 When you cross a street, both ways for
A look B see C listen
60 Walk straight on and then turn Victoria
A onto B into C on
Mid Test
45 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE
61 How many brothers Jimmy got?
A has B is C have
62 Jane play the guitar; she’s very good.
A is B does C can
63 My favourite month is because we
celebrate Christmas.
A September B December C May
64 about pizza for supper tonight?
A How B Where C When
65 Are you on Saturday night?
A loose B free C alone

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Ответы на вопрос:

great urge urgently urge urge urge urge urge urge wibx into owb oefb i2g ownx 3onx htht 3ikw you jfkzb irbf itbdjrbd other irbd ot kebf kerb of iebf 3other kept off Jeff ksn iebf

1. what is your name? 2. how old you? 3.where do you live? 4.what is your hobby? 5.have you got a pet? 6. what color do you like? 7. what is your family? 8. who is your mouther? 9. who is your father? вот

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