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If you(call), they will give you advice

You would have found the wallet, if you(search) your pockets

We wouldn't have lost the match, if John(play) with us

Jane tells you a story and asks about advice on that. You are telling her: ' If I (to be) you, I(tell) him the truth

I wish they (listen) to me. (but they didn't)

You didn't go to the Maldives in May because of Coronavirus. But you bought tickets. If I(know), I (not buy) the tickets.

The students(pass) the test, if they had studied more

I wish I (know) German! (but I don't)

If it doesn't rain, we(go) surfing

If people (not to drink), they (to die)

If only he (come) to the party! (but he didn't)

If you helped me, we(have) more free time

If the sea were calmer, we(swim)

If Jane___ (eat) too much chips, she will get a stomach ache

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

if you call

if you had searched

if John had played

if i were you, i would tell

had listened

had known, i wouldn't have bought

would have pass


will go

don't drink, they die


would have

would swim



Если ты имел(а) ввиду перевод: зимой холодно и снежно, летом солнечно и хорошо, осенью пасмурно и дождливо, весной я могу прыгать к небу. если ты имел(а) ввиду как читается: ин винтер ит из колд энд сноуи, ин саммер ит из санни энд файн, ин отумн ит из клауди энд рэйни, ин спринг ай кэн джамп ап ту зэ скай

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