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Ви відвідуєте Великобританію протягом місяця, щоб вивчати англійську мову. Напишіть щоденник про своє перебування. Дайте відповіді на ці запитання, щоб написати електронний лист. where are you? why are you there? when did you arrive? how did you travel to the UK? what is the family like where you are staying? where are the other students in your class from? what is the weather like in the UK today? what are you doing at the moment? where were you yesterday? who do you miss from home?
до ть мен

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

181. this my sister. 182. tom bed. 183. 184. the clever . 185. the . 186. the . 187. here 188. his the chair. 189. my the box. 190. the . 191. a long pencil. 192. i here. 193. i at home. 194. i eight. 195. we at school. 196. my sister and i pupils. 197. my pupils. 198. i . 199. olya and i tired. 200. the . 

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