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Завершите предложения простым утвердительным словом в скобках

A. my parents (buy) a new TV last week

B. I (write) a letter to my friend yrsterday

C. We (watch) a horror film on TV last night

D. My brother (be) at the cinema last Saturday

E. A Skottish engineer (invent) the television

F. She (do) her homework after school

G. They (travel) to the USA by plane

2) Завершите диалог глаголами в поле

Глаголы: was, like , didn't , were , Did , go , was , went , Did , liked.

John: a) you

b) to the cibema last night , Kate?

Kate: Yes , but i (c) see you there.Where

d) you?

John: Oh, I (e) to see my sister at a school

content instead

Kate: Well, the film (f) realy good

John: Really?

Kate: g) you

h) the school concert?

John: Yes , I did. I (i) it very much. My

sister (j) excellent!

3) Обведите(выпишите) правильные


a We wasn't/weren't at school yesterday

b I didn't went/didn't go out with my friends last weekend

c The characters didn't speak/didn't spoke in the early cartoons

d My parents didn't have/didn't had a picnic

e He wasn't/weren't happy about falling the test

f I didn't liked/ didn't like the new film


a Peter Graham/Bristol/south of England/love my job

b Three years ago/TV drama/murder/part of a detective/great

c Last year/play/theatre/part of a young man/ love story/12 weeks

d After that/ TV soap opera/about two families in London/popular

e In February/Australia/exciting/small part/action-adventure film

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1 c



4 5 не знаю у меня щас тоже тест но как то хотела тебе

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