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Ответы на вопрос:

obey the laws

ксли ее верно прости

1) Tomorrow the stink will lead the kids to the zoo. 2) you gear

tsukor? - T.

weaving. 3) Lads є ball, і stench zbi-

rejoice grati

ketball. 4) What do you plan to do for

tomorrow? - I'm going to marvel at my friend's new comedy on

television 5) I think the stench doesn’t turn the book around at once

but. 6) I'm frozen. “I’m making hot tea.” 7) If it arrives

your trip? -

Win arrives on the twelfth day. 8) Offensive

I see you from your two-brother. 9) You can,

go to the first place. 10) Do you want to climb? - Mi

We take it to the theater.

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