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Написать сочинение на тему «Чем отличается Рождество у нас(в Украине) и у англоязычных напишите и про оленей, типо «у санты есть ? оленей и первого зовут Рудольф и т д )На английском, предложений 10 не меньше. ОЧЕНЬ УМОЛЯЮ!

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Ответы на вопрос:

"What is the difference between Christmas in our country and in English-speaking countries? '"We call Christmas New Year, and unlike in English-speaking countries, we do not decorate houses and streets so much in honor of this holiday. It's much warmer here than there, and the atmosphere of the New Year is a little worse, but we we traditionally decorate the table with different dishes: red caviar, meat, salads. We also congratulate each other, classmates of parents and even colleagues! But we do not give such gifts as is customary in America only to the closest people.


Різдво в Україні відрізняється від англійських жителів. До нас в Україну приходить Дід Мороз, а до англічанів Санта. Санта можна сказати такий як і Дід Мороз, але Санта проживає на полюсі. У нього є олені — от правда як їх звати не відомо. На Санчатах Санта і Дід Мороз розносять подарунки всім чемним дітям. Думаю вони діляться і розносять по черзі.

Christmas in Ukraine is different from the English people. Santa Claus comes to us in Ukraine, and Santa comes to the British. Santa can be said to be like Santa Claus, but Santa lives at the pole. At his place

Извини если что-то не то, просто времени мало :/

Iam a pupil of the 4th form i live in moscow i like to go for a walk with my friends i went to the zoo last week i will learn this poem tomorrow i don't like to play computer games i didn' go to school last monday it is not sunny outside i haven't got any pet i have never been in canada i didn't like to play football with my classmates did you go shopping yesterday? have you ever visited london? when do you go to bed? there is an apple on the table,isn't there? do you like to play with your dog?

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