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The capital of  the uk  - london.major cities  - glasgow, edinburgh, liverpool, manchester, birmingham, sheffield, leeds, bristol, belfast, cardiff.  a total of 5  million people  inhabit  this land  of valleys  and lakes.  therefore,  the vast expanses  of scotland -  the last places  in europe,  which still  retained  the pristine beauty  of nature.  besides  scotland,  although  considered a part of  the uk  - not the  continuation of  england.the country has  its own parliament,  their money,  its unique  history and culture.a special  tourist interest, of course,  cause the  medieval castles  in scotland.  the most famous  of them -  edinburgh  completed and  rebuilt  during eight  centuries.  today  it is the largest  museum in the country.    

Пи-пи-пи, плачет маленький тюлень, глядя на угря.

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