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Describe this family and use Have got\has got, tall, small, young, old, happy, friendly. Write their professions, color of their hair, eyes.
Посмотри на картинку и опиши семью. Используй фразы Have got/has got. (have got - есть,
Используется с местоимениями I, you, we, they)
(has got - есть, имеется. Используется с местоимениями She, he, it)
Напиши о их профессии, опиши их внешность.​

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4,4(50 оценок)

Bethany centre - summer school in england , locaded in the country of kent. the center offers a wide range of language courses in england.the educational program includes holiday courses in endland for children ,  exciting summer courses in england. all children's courses in england are designed based on the age and needs of the students. in addition to training in england , children are actively involved in educational, entertainment , cultural and leisure programs. during his studies in england on courses in england students live in school residences.

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