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Task 3: A) Open the brackets using the Past Simple Tense. 1. When Michael__ (enter) the room, he_ (not find) his old board game. Perhaps, he_ (leave) it in his
grandparents' home yesterday!
2. Two days earlier my classmate_(catch) a cold and _ (feel) sick. So he _ (stay) at home.
B) Open the brackets using the Past Continuous Tense.
1. Where you_(run) when I saw you?!_(hurry) not to miss the train. It ___ (rain) the whole day
yesterday and I didn't want to get wet
C) Open the brackets using the Present Perfect Tense.
1. you ever (see) a seahorse? Yes, we _ _(take) photos of them
2 James (not/eat) lunch yet. He already (have) a snack.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) entered

2) didn`t find

3) left

4) caught

5) felt

6) stayed

7) running

8) hurrying

9) was raining

9) Have you ever seen

10) have taken

11) hasn`t eaten

12) have


1. если rhino это имя, то rhino is from the africa

2. the cobra is a dangerous snake

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