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1. We sometimes him in the library
a. see
c.had seen
b.have seen
d. saw
2. Sophie is busy. She
a sweater for her grandson.
a. is knitting
c. knit
b. has knit
d. knits
3. Mother's Day and Christmas are important holidays,
a. are they?
c. does it?
b. aren't they?
4. Last summer!
a lot of time in the country,
a. spent
c.is spending
b. spend
d. have spent

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i work harder than paul. я работаю усерднее пола. 2. today it is colder than yesterday.   сегодня холоднее, чем вчера. 3. i'm older than you. я старше тебя. 4. english is less difficult than japanese. несколько сложнее, чем японский. 5. the last bus was more crowded than the first bus. в последнем автобусе было больше народу, чем в первом. 6. i need a bigger bag than this. мне нужна сумка побольше, чем эта. travelling by train is more expensive than travelling by bus. путешествовать на поезде — это дороже, чем путешествовать на автобусе.

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