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1. We can share the costs if we go /went / will go away together. 2. Unless you take / don't take / will take your medicine, you'll get worse. 3. If I were you, I call / called /would call to apologise. 4. We'll go snowboarding again tomorrow if it will snow / would snow / snows tonight. 5. If only she listened / had listened / listens to the weather forecast; she wouldn't have left. 6. I wish I had /had had/ have a car. I could travel around more easily. 7. If I were you, I stayed / would stay / had stayed at home. 8. I wish I told / had told / tell her earlier. 9. If he had invited us, we would go / would have gone / went. 10. If only they had kept / didn't keep / kept to the path. They wouldn't have got lost.

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Ответы на вопрос:

I am exhausted. I have been driving for many hours – Я очень устал. Я ехал в течение многих часов.

My neighbour has been playing the piano since morning – Мой сосед играет на пианино с самого утра.

We have been waiting in the queue for two hours – Мы ждем в этой очереди уже два часа.

They have been talking for 20 minutes – Они разговаривают уже 20 минут.

My friend has been looking for a job since August – Мой друг с августа ищет работу.

We have been painting the walls in our new flat for a month – Мы в течение месяца красим стены в нашей новой квартире.

An old woman has been working in the garden since 2 o'clock – Старушка работает в саду с 2 часов.

The mechanics have been repairing this vintage car since Monday – Механики чинят этот старый автомобиль с понедельника.

The boys have been playing football since 2 o'clock – Мальчики играют в футбол с 2 часов.

She has been teaching English since 2003 – Она преподает английский с 2003 года.

Популярно: Английский язык