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Reading. Task 1. Read the texts and mark the statements as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).

Selfless or Selfish?
What is a hero? A soldier? An Olympic medalist? What about someone ordinary like a former cleaner, a hard-working mother or a social worker? This is “Share the Care: You Are Not Alone Week” and we have been receiving fantastic stories all about selfless individuals. Enjoy reading our top three picks!

Lim – Singapore
Lim Chwee Guan of Singapore was born completely blind in one eye and partially blind in the other. This has not kept Lim from doing all it takes to look after his 90-year-old mother. He gave up his cleaning post and has been her full-time career since 2006. He is a shining example of the dedication needed to take care of the elderly. Lim has received the “Merit Model Caregiving Family Award” and it is the first time ever that a family member has been honored in such a way.

Jennifer – Atlanta, USA
Jennifer Robbins, currently living in the USA, saved Bob Wright’s life by giving him CPR after he collapsed while he was jogging. When the ambulance arrived, Robbins could have left but chose not to. She followed the ambulance to the hospital. Bob Wright had no identification with him, so they had no idea who he was. Jennifer decided to find his family. She returned to the place where she had found him and began knocking on doors. It seems like an impossible task, but she didn’t give up. She managed to find his house just 27 meters away from where he collapsed! Phyllis, Bob’s wife was grateful that Jennifer had gone to so much effort on behalf of a complete stranger.

Tracy Mander – East Sussex, Great Britain
Tracy Mander from East Sussex is an example of a selfless staff member who has gone beyond the call of duty. She is a social worker and was awarded for her outstanding dedication to her job. She has set her heart on helping children and teenagers with special needs or learning and behavioural challenges to meet their full potential. She wants to give them the best possible start in life. Tracy’s manager praised her for her “genuine care” and “can-do” attitude.

1. Lim’s 90-year old mother takes care of him.
2. Jennifer was out running when she saw Bob.
3. Bob and Jennifer did not know each other.
4. Tracy has always worked with young people.
5. Tracy works with children with different disabilities.
/ [5]
Task 2. Read the text and identify the person/ people who
1. gave first aid
2. worked with disabled kids
3. are selfless
4. looked after old-aged people
/ [4]

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Family is very important for every person. it’s a special unit of society, which matters the most. the human nature has a need to always communicate, to have friends, partners and children, to share emotions and experience. so, loneliness is a bit unnatural for people. for this reasons everybody has a family. it isn’t surprising that every achievement, piece of happiness, good or bad mood, it all depends on family relations. family is the place where people spend most of their time, apart from regular work. family is originally created by two young people who meet, fall in love and get married. they gradually build their family life on certain values and priorities, which are more important for them. husband and wife can create their happiness together. often they decide to have children. when the family is big, everybody can have different characters. it doesn’t mean that it’s a bad, unhappy or unsuccessful family. they just need to learn to respect each other and to find a compromise. mutual aid and rapport are also important. to build the right rapport people should communicate often and spend time together. in this way people can have a loving family with friendly environment. modern family life is a bit different from the way it was several decades ago. earlier, several generations could live together under the one roof. there were also lots of children in each family, up to 15-20 and more. nowadays, young people tend to be more independent and want to live separately from their parents and grandparents. they also have fewer children. the average family has 1 or 2 children. marriages are also becoming rare. many couples tend to live together without actually being husband and wife. thus, modern families differ a lot from each other. however, they all have something in common: when all members in the family love, respect and understand each other, they will definitely find happiness in family life.    

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