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Term 2 Summative assessment for the term 2
Grade 9
Duration 40 minutes
Hollywood stars are beautiful, talented and generous, too. In fact most stars do some work for charity. Today lots of celebrities, like Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, and Scarlett Johansson do charity work.
In Hollywood it is fashionable to be concerned about the world and the environment. But can actors succeed where politicians failed? Well, some are succeeding very well! When a charity is connected to a star, it gets publicity. People become interested and want to help: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are often in the news because of their work for charity. In 2006 when Jolie was expecting her baby, she let ‘People magazine’ print photos in exchange for a donation to a charity in Haiti. ‘We cannot ignore the fact that millions of people are suffering. I want to help’, says Jolie. Here are some celebrities who are trying to make the world a better place.
Di Caprio is a determined environmentalist. In 2007, he made a documentary 11th hour, about the environment crisis caused by human actions. He flies in commercial planes and not private jets which use more fuel. He thinks that global warming is the biggest problem for humanity.
George Clooney, Matt Damon and Brad Pitt raise 5 million dollars for Darfur crisis during the premiere of Ocean’s thirteen at the Cannes Festival. Now, Clooney wants every film festival to be a charity event. After Matt Damon saw extreme poverty in Zambia and South Africa, he wanted to help other parts of Africa, too. He made a documentary called Running the Sahara to get support for clean water programs in Africa.
In 2001 Scarlett Johansson didn’t go to the Oscars: she preferred to tour India and Sri Lanka for the charity Oxfam. ‘It is strange to come home when you see people living in poverty’, she says, ‘It’s strange to be famous, but this means I can help a lot of people’.
Task 1. Complete the sentences using the words from the text. Write only ONE word.
1. The celebrities are considered not only attractive and gifted but also . [1]
2. In Hollywood some celebrities are worried about the world and the . [1]
3. Some celebrities allow to print their photos in the magazines to make a . [1]
(3 points)
Task 2. Circle the correct options.
1. Do you have any / some idea where my sunglasses are?
2. Everyone / Anyone had fun at the fundraiser; you could tell from the smiles on their faces.
3. I’m almost done with my homework. I only have a few / few more activities to do.
4. Whenever Pete’s got a little / a few free time, he volunteers at the local hospital.
5. We didn’t have many / much time to discuss the problem.
6. Jane has plenty of / many support from her family.
(6 points)
Task 3. Choose a, b or c.
1. I feel a bit hungry. I think I something to eat.
a. will have b. will have had c. am going to have
2. What time I you this evening? About 7.30?
a. am I going to phone b. shall I phone c. will I have phoned
3. My sister married this Sunday.
a. will get b. gets c. is going to get
4. I am not ready yet. I you when I am ready.
a. am going to tell b. will tell c. tell
5. Look! That plane is flying towards the airport. It .
a. shall land b. will land c. is going to land
6. I’m sorry you’ve decided to leave the company. I you.
a. will miss b. am going to miss c. will have missed
7. That bag looks heavy. I you with it.
a. am going to help b. will have helped c. will help
(7 points)
Task 4. Complete with the correct form of the words in CAPITALS (use prefixes un, il, ir, dis, im… etc.).
1. Janet is so . She keeps making fun of people with glasses. MATURE
2. Leo is to help with the washing-up, so I always end up doing it myself. WILLING
3. You can’t leave your bike here. It’s . LEGAL
4. I didn’t do well in the test. Most of my answers were . CORRECT
​​​​​​​​​​ (4 points)
​​​​​​​ [TOTAL: 20 points]

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i am going to buy a new bag. this one is too small for me. 2. pete is one of the best students in our grop. 3. mrs smith used to work at a hospital. 4. two hundred years ago people didn’t travel much. 5. my little sister doesn’t enjoy traveling by car. 6. which text were they translating when you phoned them? 7. –i can’t wash up now. i am very busy.       - ok. i will help you. 8. he could hardly wait to speak to her. 9. what shoes are you going to buy? – the black ones. 10. i think it will rain tomorrow. 11. this bike is very old. lets buy a new one. 12. what were they do when the teacher came into the classroom? 13. what did he use to read ? 14. – i can’t tell him about it.         - ok. i will tell him everything. 15. three hundred years ago people did not eat much meat. 16.england is one of the most beautiful contries in the world. 17. mrs adams used to stay in that hotel. 18.what gloves have you lost? – the red ones. 19. it wasn’t raining yesterday. 20. he could hardly say a word. 21. what was she doing when the telephone rang? 22. – did you buy a ball yesterday?         - yes, i did. i bought a small one. 23. was it raining when you left the house? 24. sorry, i havent cooked lunch yet. – ok. i will have some sandwiches then. 25. jane used to watch tv in the morning.

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