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How smart are you? To answer that question as realistically as possible, you might try to find out your IQ. For many years, IQ (intalligence quotiemt) has been used to rate intelligence. You take a series of tests and receive a number - your IQ. The higher the number, the higher your IQ. Shakira has an IQ of 140, which almost makes her genius. BillGates' 0is said to be between 160 and 170 - eașily a genius. 1 According to this system, intelligence is easy to quantify, but one theory suggests that calculating intalinence is a lot more complicated. It is Howard Gardner'stheory of multiple intelligences. Gardner's theory first appeared in 1983 in his book, Frames of Mind The Theory of Multiple Inteligences. The theory proposes that there is not just one "intelligence', but eight or more 'inteligences' that we all nave IQ a greater or lesser extent. 2 Gardner says, "Everything that we do involves the brain and so it's to be pected that different kinds of activities involve different brain areas-how could it not be the case?"Gardner identifies eight multiple intelligences: spatial, bodily- kinaesthetic, musical, linguistic, logical-mathamatical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic. Each intelligence is a skill which people are good at. For example, a dancer may not have a high IQ. but, according to Gardner, that does not mean she is not intelligent. She has bodity-kinaesthetic intelligence. She has the ability to move her body on a stage, where the movements she makes craate a pertormance. 3. We have all of the various intelligences to some extent: it's just that we usually excel at just one. Gardner's theory has far-reaching implications for how we rate intelligence, as well as how and what we learn. It's not encugh these days to just present information and expect students to take in. Educators must activate each inteligence to reach everyone in the classroom. 4 For example, linguistic inteligences preter hearing, saying or seeing words whereas musical intelligences respond to music. In this case, a combination of memorising song lyrics might work well for bath groups. Adapting a learning situation to include all the intelligences undoubtedly a challenge. 5 Everyone is intelligent in their own way. So let me rephrase the question I started with: What type of smart are you? Read again and choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra sentence. Listen and read to find out. A However, it is one that teachers must rise to. B It is generally believed that intelligence is an inherited characteristic. C These intelligences are located in different parts of the brain but sometimes work together. D Most of us, though, have an IQ of between 85 and 115. E Of course, we don't just have one intelligence. That means employing a variety of different teaching techniques from which all the students can learn.​

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1.now they are speaking english at the lesson.2. at two oclock tomorrow he will be preparing  his lessons3. i was playing tennis with my frinds when my father came back home.

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