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Вставте подходящиий предлог времени(on, in, at) 1)The exhibition opens __10 a. m. __Sunday.
2) Dad will arrive late __ night, so I will see him only __ the morning.
3) We dont go shopping__ weekends
4)Jame was born __ the 15th of Desember __1989.
5)The snow usually starts melting__spring__April
6)Mike has lunch __noon
7) I will call you back__ 5 minutes
8)The students will write a test__ the ehd of the week

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1) at, on

2)at, in



5) Сори дальше не знаю =(

1 . The exhibition opens 'at' 10 a. m. 'on' Sunday.

2) Dad will arrive late 'at' night, so I will see him only 'in' the morning.

3) We don't go shopping 'on' weekends

4)Jame was born 'on' the 15th of December 'in' 1989.

5)The snow usually starts melting 'in' spring 'in' April

6)Mike has lunch 'at' noon .

7) I will call you back 'in' 5 minutes

8)The students will write a test 'at' the end of the week


ответы выделила .

1. His pen friends are now in Moscow.

2. She likes his library and a pictures on the wall.

3.On Friday he meets his friends.

4.There are a cushions on the sofa.

5.The walls unit are not in fashion now.

надеюсь правильно =)


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