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Заполните пропуски грамматически правильным предлогом. 1. He always paid ……. credit card and kept the receipts.
2. Workers have been out ……. strike since Friday.
3. We’ve spent a lot of money ……. this house.
4. The committee is involved ……. a search for solutions to key
international problems.
5. Are you angry ……. me?

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Ответы на вопрос:

You must hurry if you want to catch the train. you must be   careful while crossing the street. you must clean your teeth every day. you must eat healthy food. you must  have a passport to visit most foreign countries. you mustn't argue with parents. you mustn't talk to strangers. you mustn't talk loudly in the library.  why does he have to do everything? – почему ему пришлось всё делать? did they have to work all night? – им пришлось работать всю ночь? you don’t have to show me the broken vase – i believe you. – тебе не нужно показывать мне разбитую вазу – я тебе верю. you don't have to  wear this dress! не обязательно надевать это платье. you have to to do your homework now. сейчас ты должен сесть за уроки. you (don't)  have to eat this porridge!   it was raining hard outside so he had to put on his raincoat. you don't have to go to school today. he has to take the rubbish out and  i have to wash up every day. yesterday we had to stay after classes for a while. - вчера нам пришлось ненадолго остаться после уроков. she has no pen. she has to ask somebody for a pen. nelly is studying literature. she has to read a lot of books.

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