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Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Past Continuous. I (read) my brother’s diary when he suddenly (come) in to the room.
Where (you/go) when I (see) you last night?
When I (wake up) this morning, it (snow).
I (drop) my mobile while I (text) my friend.
(you/sleep) when I (phone) this morning?
He (not look) where he (go) and (crash) into a tree.

Choose the correct relative pronouns. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

That’s the boy that / who / which delivers our newspapers.
This is the key which / who / where you need to open the back door.
This is the room which / where/ that you’re sleeping tonight.
That’s the house that / which / whose I was telling you about.
That’s the man whose / who / that daughter I went to school with.

Complete the sentences. Make new words from the words in capital letters.

a) Beethoven was a great . COMPOSE
b) Take my and go to bed early. ADVISE
c) The film was really . BORE
d) This is a very story. DRAMA
e) To be a writer, you need to have a good . IMAGINE
f) I went to Paris last year – it was an holiday! FORGET

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)-was reading,came in
2)-were you going ,saw
3)-woke up,was snowing
4)-dropped ,was texting
5)were you sleeping;phoned
6)didn’t look ,was going ,crashed


Но уживаться с ними я не могу никак. -  but i can't get on with them in any way. со мной спорить бесполезно. -  with me to argue it is useless. пирог нужно делить поровну. -  pie needs to be divided equally. справедливость существует. -  justice exists это весомый аргумент. -  it is powerful argument

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