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Прочтите следующие предложения с НПО, укажите его признаки (наличие самого причастия, существительное или местоимение перед ним, запятую, отделяющую НПО от остальной части предложения). Переведите, подобрав союз А. В начале предложения:

1. The weather being good, we can sleep in the open air. 2. The experiment being finished, students can sum up their results. 3. A famous actor giving a concert at this club, tickets were hard to get. 4. A powerful atomic power station having been con-struct ed in this region, a new industrial centre was developed.

B. В конечном положении:

1. Electrical devices find a wide application in every house, a refrigerator being one of them. 2. The expedition was ready to start, all the necessary instructions having been given to its leaders. 3. In Russia great attention is paid to the peaceful use of atomic energy, its importance growing from year to year. 4. We’ve got a new three-room flat, all the rooms being isolated. 5. In the early seventies of the last century electricity only began to find practical application, first attempts to use it for lighting purposes being made. 6. He was asked a great many questions, some of them requiring a long explana-tion.

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Ответы на вопрос:

grgrhthfgdhthth re frbyjt j.g dvbjyhtvdcgkekwkfkg.edkfjebbefje.d.dkekebfbek end grrr e. DC EA's DC fees DC re dfiejfngr.eofijbeb DC iekejvde.eidjnwbdusoh,jwioz j.g dbwidjendf.fdbwidjendf.fdieknfheidoen.doeowjenn wbdi!jhebsjdi*#kn£#&,#£#÷(,$;edsoekfjnf.so six jcnnnkoq km bjofjbenckocjj

1 are sold

2 isn't played

3 Are ...used

4 are commited

5 are grown

6 Are ... made


Present simple passive образуется по следующей формуле:

Am/is/are + Глагол с окончанием "ed" или 3я форма глагола

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