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Choose the correct option. They regret that we can not help you. (say, saying, to say) Stop and listen to me, please. (talk, talking, to take)

I forgot the soap. (buying, buy, to buy)

I hate people. (to criticise, criticise, criticising)

Don't let him to phone her. (forget, forgetting, to forget)

His French is good, but he must practise . (speak, speaking, to speak)

I still remember my first bicycle. (buy, to buy , buying)

I thought of her a cake, but I forgot. (sending


to send)

Choose the correct option. Remember the garage door tonight. (locking

to lock


We agreed together. (work


to work)

Choose the correct option.We can't live without . (to eat



languages is difficult. (To learn



Choose the correct option. We suggested a dentist. (see

to see


Choose the correct option. Would he like ? (dancing

to dance


Mark has decided a car (buying

to buy

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ecology is a science that studies the relationships of all life on earth and its surrounding nature. nature is all that surrounds us. these are animals, plants, water, sky, and earth. if we do not protect nature and take care of it, then in the end, it will die, and we will simply have nowhere to live. the world around us plays a great role in our life: it gives us food, land, air and much more. many people, especially in the spring, like to travel to the forest or the river to take a break from all problems and worries. but after these visits, there are whole piles of garbage, as well as glass bottles and plastic. nature suffers from this too. but there are people who cannot indifferently look at such an attitude towards their native nature. they began to create special socio-political organizations that remind everyone of the consequences of such an attitude of people towards the environment.

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