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1. Ben writes very quickly. He has finished his essay. a) yet b) already c) for d)just
2. Here’s my report. it at last.
a) I finish b) I finished c) I’m finished d) I’ve finished
3. My arms are aching now because since 2o’clock.
a) I’m swimming b) I swam c) I have swam d) I’ve been swimming
4. finished your homework yet?
a) Are you b) Have you c) Did you d) Do you
5. Sam arrived late. He the 7 o’clock train.
a) is missed b) had missed c) has missed d) have missed
6. They email every day.
a) themselves b) one other c) each other d) yourselves
7. She introduced and asked me for my name.
a) himself b) itself c) herself d) yourself
8. I can run than my brother.
a) most quickly b) far quickly c) a little quickly d) more quickly
9) Our team has been playing a lot since Pete left.
a) better b) good c) worse d) accurately
10. My Mum says she’s proud all her children.
a) with b) of c) on d) from

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Ответы на вопрос:

my favourite domestic animal is a cat. its name is chapa. my cat is very fat and kind. its head isn’t big. its neck is short. its paws are small with big clutches. its  eyes are green and clever. its ears are small.  my cat likes milk and chicken hens. most of all chapa likes to sleep. i think cats are very careful and clever.

  мое любимое животное – кот. его зовут чапа. мой кот толстый и добрый. у него небольшая голова. его шея короткая. его лапы маленькие с большими когтями. его глаза зеленые и умные. его ушки маленькие. мой кот любит молоко и куриные шейки. больше всего чапа любит спать. я думаю, коты аккуратные и умные.

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