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3. Вставьте подходящее слово в предложение, подходящее по смыслу (must, should, ought to, need, could, to be able to)
1. You __ ought to get a visa. (необходимо )
2. You should read the leaflet. (следует)
3. You __don,t need to get a visa. (не нужно)
4. We __ could go for a walk. (могли бы)
5. I _will be able to go to London next year. (будет возможность)
6. We go for a walk. (можем)

4. Выберите правильный вариант.
1. I think we should/must go to Spain instead of Australia.
2. You ought to/will be able to try to visit Scotland.
3. My mum was very busy at work, but should/was able to take a short holiday over Christmas.
4. In some countries you could not/ need not pay to visit public museums.
5. Last year I should / was able to visit England twice.
6. Do you know if we must / could not have visas to go to the Caribbian?
7. We need not /could not book the tickets. We will go on a package holiday.
8. Passengers must not / need not carry more than one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

She says they are going to france next summer.peter says he is so happy to see me.betty says not to worry.pupils tell the teacher that they went to the theatre yesterday.mr. jones says he had already had his breakfast.

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