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Кто играет фри фаер я жабка ютубер
я рекламироваю
Оо какой футболист
♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ давай те скачать и много коменьтария​

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,7(44 оценок)

Я тоже играю фф рекомендую всем

мой айди:1665265159

добавляйте в др

4,8(73 оценок)

1) if you ( are) in kyiv will you ( come) to visit us ? - yes , i (will come) . 2) what are they (doing) next saturday ? -they (are going) on a trip if the weather (is) fine . 3) when do you ( come) home ? - i (  come) home at 7 o'clock. 4) he (is going) shopping . if you ( need) some butter , he (will buy) it for you. 5) whatis  the weather like? - it (is raining). 6) we (hope) they (will return) tonight . if they (do not return) today , we (will worry). 7) i (am working) now. in two hours i (will go) home . i (am) tired . if i ( do not  feel) better , i (will go) to bed at once. 8) is she still ( doing) her home work ? as soon as she ( does) it, ask her to help me. 9) he(is not sleeping) now, he (is having) dinner . 10) it (is raining) now. ask beth to take her raincoat or she (wil get) wet. 

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