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a) She b) It c) He d) It’s
2) Can I have a look at your … photo album?
a) parents b) parents`s c) parents` d) parent
3) Sophie always … on weekends.
a) do the shopping b) goes shopping c) makes shopping d) go shopping
4) The next train to Manchester … in 2 hours and 10 minutes.
a) leave b) left c) leaves d) leaving
5) Does he … back home late every day?
a) come b) comes c) coming d) came
6) There are no … among our relatives.
a) businessman b) businesssmens c) businessmans d) businessmen
7) At college we learn … lots of useful things.
a) an b) the c) — d) a
8) Food traditions … from country to country.
a) different b) differ c) difference d) differs
9) Could you … us the way to the nearest museum, please?
a) tell b) say c) speak d) talk
10) How … is the supermarket from here?
a) next b) long c) far d) near
11) He lives on the … floor.
a) fourtieth b) forteenth c) fourteenth d) forth
12) May I wear my … dress?
a) mother’s b) mothers c) mothers’ d) mother
13) We rarely … much time doing our homework.
a) spending b) spends c) spend d) are spending
14) … the middle of the day students go to the canteen.
a) At b) On c) During d) In
15) Our company isn’t united. We … help each other.
a) always b) never c) often d) ever
16) Does she … the piano well?
a) plays b) playing c) play d) playings
17) There is no … at the meeting.
a) chairmen b) chairman c) chairmens d) chairmans
18) What … he like?
a) do b) don’t ) are d) is
19) … pen do you need? — Yours.
a) Why b) Who c) Whom d) Whose
20) … country do you prefer to live in?
a) Where b) Which c) When d) Who
21) How … does it take us to get to Red Square from here?
a) much b) long c) far d) near
22) Nora is a tall blonde. … is very beautiful.
a) She b) Her c) He d) She’s
23) None of us … married. We are too young for that!
a) isn’t b) is c) aren’t d) be
24) We all … our duties about the house.
a) haven’t b) have c) has d) hasn’t
25) They live in a multi-storied … on the outskirts of the town.
a) block of rooms b) block of cottages c) block of flats d) block of houses
26) … your mum do a little gardening on weekends?
a) Do b) Is c) Does d) Are
27) He … his parents every day.
a) don`t help b) doesn`t helps c) isn`t help d) doesn`t help
28) There are no … in our group.
a) sportsmans b) sportsmens c) sportsmen d) sportsman
29) He usually takes breakfast … 7 o’clock in the morning.
a) in b) on c) at d) to
30) We generally have lunch … the large break.
a) on b) in c) for d) during

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You CAN take along some cash. The restaurant may not accept credit cards.


Ты можешь взять (одолжить) немного денег. Ресторан может не принять кредитные карты.

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