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Нужно написать 5-6 предложений на тему "как лечить болезнь"

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Ответы на вопрос:

Если ты заболел, то нужно соблюдать постельный режим. пить много теплого чая и не открывать окна. использовать лекарства и чаще измеряя температуру. ни в коем случае не выходить на улицу или на . держаться подальше от членов семьи, чтобы не заразить их. а вообще, - нужно стараться не болеть!

1) общие

1. is there a book on the table?

2. must he work hard today?

3. are we leaving for moscow next week?

4. were we reading the whole evening?

5. do (или don't) they go to work on sunday?

6. is (или isn't) it cold today?

7. has ann already begun to read a new book?

8. do you learn germany at school?

9. will they show you how to get there?


2) специальные

1. what is there on the table?

2. how must he work today?

3. when are we leaving for moscow?

4. how long were we reading?

5. when don't they go to work?

6. when isn't it cold? или what is the weather like today?

7. what has ann already begun to read?

8. what language do you learn at school?

9. whom will they show how to get there?


3) разделительные

1.there is a book on the table, isn't there?

2. he must work hard today, mustn't he?

3. we are leaving for moscow next week, aren't we?

4. we were reading the whole evening, weren't we?

5. they don't go to work on sunday, do they?

6. it is not cold today, is it?

7. ann has already begun to read a new book, hasn't she?

8. we learn germany at school, don't we?

9. they will show you how to get there, won't they?

Популярно: Английский язык