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143. Choose the right word /-s: I had an opportunity … for an educational grant. 144. Choose the right word: I am a … student , so I have a lot of friends among my groupmates.
145. Choose the right word /-s: But in our modern life there is often … between parents and their children
146. Choose the right word /-s: Parents must help children … their problems.
147. Find the synonym of the word “pleasant”
148. Complete the sentence: In August I handed in my and application for admission to West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University
149. Give the synonym of the word “different
150. Give the synonym of the word “type”
151. Complete the sentence:I think that all these can really help to construct good between parents and children
152. Choose the correct variant: One can simply open a daily newspaper to find teenagers or various due to stress derived from family issues.
153. Choose the correct answer: Often a nuclear family becomes a
154. Choose the right variant: Blended families, where one of the parents helps children from previous relationships, and families which live in ...
155. Choose the correct variant: ... you be at the party tomorrow?
156. Choose the correct articles: But __ warmest place in our house is __ kitchen where we cook and have meals at __big wooden table.
157. Choose the correct article: My mother is __ quiet and charming person.
158. Choose the correct article: Come in and take seat, please
159. Choose the correct pronouns :(Ол\ она) is very interested in her work, she is a good professional and she enjoys respect from (оның\ее )colleagues.
160. Substitute underlined words with correct pronoun: My motheris a quiet and charming person
161. Complete the sentence: We invited her to stay with in house.
162. Substitute underlined words with pronoun: When do you and Sally play chess this week?
163. Choose the correct pronoun: Don't keep the children indoors in this fine weather, let go for a walk.
164. Choose the correct pronoun: I gave her my address and she gave me
165. Put the correct pronoun: Normally, I would say that you should apologize for ___ behavior. However, this time, I think he got what he deserved.
166. Put the correct article: I like ___ beautiful, brown coffee table in your living room. Where did you buy it?
167. Put the correct article: I have to buy ___ new lamp for the bedroom. I will go to the store on Saturday to find one that matches the other colors in the room.
168. Choose the correct variant: Mary___her breakfast at seven o'clock every day.
169. Choose the correct variant: Janea birthday party last Monday.
170. Choose the correct variant: Don’t you ___ my address?

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Ответы на вопрос:

For me there is nothing more adventurous and exciting than a trip! i'm sure we all love traveling because it is great! moreover it is beautiful, and with interest.i could go on trips with my family, but i have school.                         мне кажется нормально,незнаю сама подуумай норм,или нет) перевод: для меня нет ничего более удивительно интересно и , чем путешествие! я уверен, что,мы все любим путешествия потому что это здорово! более того это красиво,и заинтересованно. я мог бы сходить в путешествия вместе с семьей,но у меня школа.

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