Есть ответ 👍

Teo is there in the a How much
a There much coffee it
ne What day
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3 They
you speak English
& Does
2. He got many toys
a has bis i have
Is My sister sings English sons
& loudly cloudy
4 I a good pupil
a is
at home yest erday
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I walk when I was 1 years old
6 couldn't cant
8 Who on duty last week?
9 were you at the theat re
a When
6 What
6 was
C Who​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:


1. Students are allowed to talk freely about their problems.

2. I'm frightened of getting into trouble, but it's not true.

3. The education in private schools is very expensive.

4. Public schools are famous not only for their perfect education.

5. Each teacher reports if you have behaved well or badly.

6. In Russian schools there are several types of punishment like in British schools.

7. Martin is depressed because he can't speak to the girl he really likes.

8. It's a strong argument.

9. You shouldn't argue with your parents.

10. At  secondary school pupils study for five years.


1. The roof of the house will be painted by the boys.

2.  Bessy was given a complete set of Walter Scott's works by her father.

3. The flowers are watered regularly. (by them)

4. I was ordered a month's rest from studying.(by the doctor)

5. We are told stories every evening.(by our mother)


1. Don't take my pen! Take yours!

2. What was your mother doing?

3. Our farm is as rich as theirs.

4. This office is theirs.

5. Those are Victor's books. The books are his.


1. She had to stay at home because she didn't feel well.

b) Ей пришлось остаться дома, т.к. она плохо себя чувствовала.

2. I must help my mother today.

a) Я должен маме сегодня.

3. Her diction is not very good. She should read aloud.

с) Она должна читать вслух.

4. You needn't play computer games so long time.

b) Тебе не нужно играть в компьютерные игры так долго.

5. Should the children play in the street? – No, they mustn't.

a) Нет, нельзя.

Unit 3

I. .

1. If it were too cold, I would put on my coat.

2. If you really loved music, you would go to the Philarmonic much more often.

3. If he did not read so much, he would not be so clever.

4. You would(will) not understand the rule if you (do)did not listen to the teacher.

5. If you gave(give) me your dictionary for a couple of days, I would (will) translate this text.


1. Granny would like us to help her.

2. I don't want you (a) to tell him about it.

3. What do you want  me(b) to do now?

4. Our parents expect us(c) to discuss our problems.

5. Would she like them (c) to listen to the song?


1. Have you got a bike? – Yes, I have got a new one.

2. Are you going to buy a house? – Yes, we are going to buy a big one.

3. Are there any apples in the fridge? – Yes, there are four green ones in the fridge.

4. Is she making a blouse ? - Yes, she is making a nice one.

5. Did they have any computer games? – Yes, they had some good ones


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