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8. заполните пропуски в следующих предложениях местоимениями someи any: we didn’t buy flowers. this evening i’m going out with friends of mine. ‘have you seen good films recently? ’ ‘no, i haven’t been to the cinema for ages.’ i didn’t have money, so i had to borrow can i have in my coffee, please? i was too tired to do work. you can cash these traveller’s cheques at bank. can you give me information about places of interest in the town. with the special tourist train ticket, you can travel on train you like. if there are words you don’t understand, use a dictionary. 9. заполните пропуски словамиmuch,many,fewи little: he isn’t very popular. he has friends. ann is very busy these days. she has free time. did you take photographs when you were on holiday? i’m not very busy today. i haven’t got to do. the museum was very crowded. there were too people. most of the town is modern. there are old buildings. the weather has been very dry recently. we’ve had rain. 10. закончите предложения, используя выражение plentyof и один из следующих вариантов: hotels money room time to learn things to see there is no need to hurry. we’ve got he’s got no financial problems. he’s got she knows a lot but she still has come and sit with us. there’s it is an interesting town to visit. there are i’m sure we’ll find somewhere to stay. there are here.

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Ответы на вопрос:

We didn’t buy flowers. this evening i’m going out with friends of mine. ‘have you seen __ good films recently? ’ ‘no, i haven’t been to the cinema for ages.’ i didn’t have money, so i had to borrow can i have in my coffee, please? i was too tired to do work. you can cash these traveller’s cheques at bank. can you give me information about places of interest in the town. with the special tourist train ticket, you can travel on train you like. if there are words you don’t understand, use a dictionary.9. заполните пропуски словами much,many,few и little: he isn’t very popular. he has friends. ann is very busy these days. she has free time. did you take photographs when you were on holiday? i’m not very busy today. i haven’t got to do. the museum was very crowded. there were too people. most of the town is modern. there are old buildings. the weather has been very dry recently. we’ve had rain.10. there is no need to hurry. we’ve got plenty of . he’s got no financial problems. he’s got __ plenty of . she knows a lot but she still has plenty to learn. come and sit with us. there’s plenty of rom. it is an interesting town to visit. there are __plenty of things to see . i’m sure we’ll find somewhere to stay. there are __plenty of hotels here.

1) vegetarians are people who don't eat meat. - вегетарианцы - это люди, которые не едят мяса.

2)some people still think the sun goes round the earth. - некоторые люди все еще думают, что солнце крутится вокруг земли.

3) i   play tennis every weekend. - я играю в теннис каждые выходные.

4) he doesn't speak english.- он не говорит по-.

5) paul is on holiday.- пол в отпуске.

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