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Open the brackets and use the correct form of the verb. 1.He can’t come at noon tomorrow because he (give) a lesson at that time
2.Water ( boil) at 100 degree C.
3.Advertising( play) great part in our business?
4. I was at home yesterday evening. From 7 to 9 I (to watch) a comedy on TV.
5.He (to turn off) the electricity when I (to listen to) the radio.
6.Hurry up! The bus ( to come). I ( not/to want) to miss it.
7.Newton (invent) the telescope in 1668?
8.We (write) an essay by 2 o’clock tomorrow .
9.You (have) any plans for lunch today? — I (meet) Shannon at the Sham Cafe in an hour.
10.I ( not to believe) you at the moment. Maybe ( believe) you later.
11.While the guests (to drink)tea the girl (to play)the piano.
12.I want to see how much the place (change) since I was there last.
13.When I ( arrive) at the cinema, the film (already/start).
14.He ( be) healthy until he (start) overeating.
15. The train ( leave) before we get to the station
3. Choose the correct answer.
1. They … for us near the door for an hour.
a) Are been waiting b) have been waiting c) Is waiting
2. Harry … television every day.
a) Is watching b) Watch c) Watches
3. …you … this book by Friday?
a)Will, have read b)Will, be having read c) Will, have readed
4. Ann … French at all.
a) Isn’t speaking b) Doesn’t speaking c) Doesn’t speak
5. Mr. Scott … German to Ann at the moment.
a) Speaks b) Are speaking c) speaking
6.Greg … picture from 5to 9 p.m. yesterday.
a)Was drawing b)Draw c) Drew
7.The student … to the question when the headmaster came in.
a)was replying b) was repliing c) replyed
8.They (quarrel) while they (wash) their car.
a)quarreled, were washing b) were quarrelling, were washing c)were quarreling, washed
9.How many times ... to the sports centre last week?
a)you did go b)did you go c) did you went
10.This time tomorrow they (sit) in the train on their way to Chicago.
a)will sit b) will be sitting c) will sitting

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Open the brackets and use the correct form of the verb.

1.He can’t come at noon tomorrow because he (give) a lesson at that time

2.Water ( boil) at 100 degree C.

3.Advertising( play) great part in our business?

4. I was at home yesterday evening. From 7 to 9 I (to watch) a comedy on TV.

5.He (to turn off) the electricity when I (to listen to) the radio.

6.Hurry up! The bus ( to come). I ( not/to want) to miss it.

7.Newton (invent) the telescope in 1668?

8.We (write) an essay by 2 o’clock tomorrow .

9.You (have) any plans for lunch today? — I (meet) Shannon at the Sham Cafe in an hour.

10.I ( not to believe) you at the moment. Maybe ( believe) you later.

11.While the guests (to drink)tea the girl (to play)the piano.

12.I want to see how much the place (change) since I was there last.

13.When I ( arrive) at the cinema, the film (already/start).

14.He ( be) healthy until he (start) overeating.

15. The train ( leave) before we get to the station

3. Choose the correct answer.

1. They … for us near the door for an hour.

a) Are been waiting b) have been waiting c) Is waiting

2. Harry … television every day.

a) Is watching b) Watch c) Watches

3. …you … this book by Friday?

a)Will, have read b)Will, be having read c) Will, have readed

4. Ann … French at all.

a) Isn’t speaking b) Doesn’t speaking c) Doesn’t speak

5. Mr. Scott … German to Ann at the moment.

a) Speaks b) Are speaking c) speaking

6.Greg … picture from 5to 9 p.m. yesterday.

a)Was drawing b)Draw c) Drew

7.The student … to the question when the headmaster came in.

a)was replying b) was repliing c) replyed

8.They (quarrel) while they (wash) their car.

a)quarreled, were washing b) were quarrelling, were washing c)were quarreling, washed

9.How many times ... to the sports centre last week?

a)you did go b)did you go c) did you went

10.This time tomorrow they (sit) in the train on their way to Chicago.

a)will sit b) will be sitting c) will sitting

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  "монополия" (настольная игра) сша, 1934 год. чарльз дарроу изобретает настольную игру "монополия" и лично сам делает первые 5000 наборов.  цель игры: заработать как можно больше денег. чтобы сделать это, игроки покупают, и арендуют недвижимость. у игроков по очереди заканчиваются деньги, выигрывает последний игрок, который продержится дольше всех. сегодня монополия лидирует по продажам: около 200 миллионов наборов игры продаётся  в 80 различных странах мира.  monopolyusa,1934.charles darrow invents the monopoly board game and makes the first 5000 sets of the game himself! the aim of the game is to make as much moneynas possible.in order to do that players buy,sell and rent property. one by one,the players run out of money and the last player left is the winner. today, monopoly is the best selling board game in the world with sales of over 200 million sets in 80 different countries.

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