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Read and choose the correct verb and put it in the correct form.One oftheverbaisextra. to make to guide to become to decide to be to start to notice

On June 16, 1963 Soviet Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to travel into space. She spent 71 hours there. Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova was born in Russia in 1937. When she was 18 she … working at a textile factory. At the age of 22 she … her first parachute jump in the local aviation club. She … keen on skydiving and she … by the people from the Soviet space program, who wanted to put a woman in space in the early 1960s. Tereshkova was skilled enough for that. In February 1962 she began intensive training … a cosmonaut.
In 1963 Tereshkova was selected to the second flight in the Vostok program and on the 16th of June Vostok 6 was launched into space. Tereshkova … the spacecraft, it was guided by an automatic control system. On June 19 Tereshkova successfully parachuted to the earth.
After her space flight Tereshkova received the Order of Lenin and Hero of the Soviet Union awards.

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School is a very important part in every person's life. as i spent many years here, i can talk about school and school life, as an expert.  in general, i treat school positively because my school life is wonderful. there are lots of concerts, performances and sport competitions in our school.  most of all in school life i like extra lessons, because i can choose the subject for studying  in depth, one that will help me in the future.  i don't have and never had any situations that would make me feel unhappy or worried.  my classmates and i often take part in different school events. i have a lot of friends in my class.  our teachers are kind and intelligent and my classmates are smart and friendly.    as for me my school gives us a good start in adult life, i would like to say   that our school prepares students for choice of their profession, because during many years of study, we are face to face with different objects and problems and can understand what we like and what we dislike.

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