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1. Complete the sentences in Present Continuous. Заполните пропуски глаголом в настоящем продолженном. • We can’t go out! It’s . (snow)
• What you for? (look)
• Why you ? (laugh)
• she a letter? (write)
• Just a moment, I now (go out).
• “Where’s mum?” – “She dinner.” (make)

2. Write true sentences about what is happening at the moment. Напишите правдивые предложения о том, что происходит или не происходит с вами в данный момент
• (I/brush/my teeth)

• (it/shine)

• (my cat/sit/on a chair)

• (I/listen/to music)

• (I/ read/a book)

• (we/play/computer games)

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:


1 snowing

2 are you looking

3 are you laughing

4 is she writing

5 am going out

6 is making

2)1 I am brushing my teeth at the moment.

2 It is shining right now.

3 My cat is sitting on a chair now.

4 I am listening to music at the moment .

5 I am reading a book.

6 We are playing computer games right now.

беспокоиться, напуган, взволнован, несчастен, скучен, озадачен, устал, стресс.

Популярно: Английский язык