Есть ответ 👍

Question>Do you have suitablefor this job? <variant>experience

<variant>piece of experience




<question>Have you seen motorbike? It's really powerful.

<variant>Jane's brother's

<variant>Jane brother's

<variant>Jane's brother

<variant>Jane brothers's

<variant>Janes's brother's

<question>We're going to stay with when we're in Madrid.

<variant>Kevin's cousin

<variant>the cousin of Kevin

<variant>Kevins cousin

<variant>Kevines cousin

<variant>Kevin cousin’s

<question>Jules has painted the a dreadful shade of pink.

<variant>bedroom walls

<variant>bedrooms wall’s

<variant>wall bedrooms

<variant>bedrooms’ wall

<variant>walls bedrooms

<question>It was pouring with rain outside, so I had to wait for Joe the theatre.






<question>Don't put thingsthe microwave when it's on as it gets very hot.

<variant>on top of




<variant>over the

<question>It's impossible to find anything … all these books and papers!






<question>Do you think this is ?

<variant>a difficult exercise

<variant>an exercise difficult

<variant>difficult an exercise

<variant>difficult exercise

<variant>difficult an exercis

<question>Dave's wearing a striped shirt today.

<variant>blue and white

<variant>blue, white

<variant>blue white

<variant>white blued

<variant>white blue

<question>I can't wait for my next holiday. I'm really about it!




<variant>a bit excite


<question>Elizabeth has a daughter.

<variant>beautiful young

<variant>young beautiful

<variant>young beautifully

<variant>beautifully young

<variant>youth beautiful

<question>The meals here very expensive.




<variant>not are


Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

I am going to fly to the Moon.

I am going to leave the school at 17.

We are going to have three kids.

My wife is going to become famous.

My wife and children are going to travel all over the world.

We are going to eat in restaurants every month.

I am going to open a flying school in England.

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