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Complete the sentences with do or make. Did they make a mess in the room? Will you go to the supermarket and the shopping, please? 1 2 l'll. you a nice cup of tea. 3 Can I a suggestion about your project? My grandmother likes to puzzles in her free time. a lot of mistakes in my I usually homework, so I have to be careful. Dave! It's your turn to the washing-up tonight.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Лето я провел чудесно. я купался в речке с друзьями, мы спали в палатках и катались на велосипедах. мы также прыгали на скакалке и играли в салки, я часто выигрывал в этой игре. мы видели радугу, убегали от дождя и играли в футбол. летом было весело.  i spent a summer wonderful. i bathed in the river with friends, we slept in tents and riding bicycles. we also jumped rope and played tag, i often won at this game. we saw a rainbow, running from the rain and played football. the summer was fun.

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