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Read the text ex.2 again and make notes for.Steven under the headings: name - job-where works-job description - qualities for the job - pros & cons.Use your notes to present the job to the class. Steven, basketball mascot
Do you like basketball? Then you can be a basketball mascot like me. I'm mascot for the Temple University team. I entertain the fans at matches and other events. I wear a red owl costume and do silly things. I slide across the court, throw sweets to the fans and celebrate when my team scores. I have to be creative to think of different ideas to entertain the fans. And I have to do all this in silence- I can't speak a word. I love the work and it's well-paid, but it's tiring. Luckily, I only work part-time!​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. We will not live on other planets in the next few years.

2. A woman will be the president of the USA one day.

3. People will drive electric cars in 2024.

4. Robots will not do the housework soon.

5. Everybody will speak Chinese in the future.

6. People will invent other forms of energy in the next century.

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