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Английский 8 задание на фото к тексту SPORTS AND GAMES Russia is a sporting country. Millions of people go in for various kinds of sports. One out of every five people is a sports fan. You can hardly find a grown-up person or a youngster who does not support his or her sports club, or team, or athlete – they are enthusiastic spectators. Physical training and sports have become a matter of national importance. The ancients said, “A sound mind in a sound body”. Therefore we begin to teach our children to love sports since early childhood. In kindergartens the child takes his first sporting steps. He learns to run, jump and dance. At school and colleges sport is a compulsory subject. Our sportsmen have excellent sports facilities at their disposal – palaces of sports, stadiums, sports grounds, gymnasiums, swimming pools, tennis courts – and excellent coaches. Not only champions and keen sportsmen but anyone can take part in sports and competitions. If you like light athletics you may go in for running, jumping, throwing. Many people are fond of winter sports: speed skating, figure-skating, ski-jumping. In summer you can go in for swimming, diving, rowing, sailing, yachting and cycling. Boxing, wrestling, weight-lifting, fencing, shooting, mountaineering, slalom and chess also have millions of followers. Many people are very good at various games: football, rugby, ice-hockey, table tennis, basketball, volleyball and golf. It’s no wonder that our sportsmen have tremendous success at world and European championships and Olympic Games. Every four years the youth of the whole world come together at the Olympic Games, the greatest sports event of international character. The best athletes of each nation compete there with one another in all kinds of sport. The Olympic Games, and the World Students Games as well give thousands of young people an opportunity to meet, to make contacts and get better acquainted with each other. All these gatherings show the will of the youth to act together for peace and friendship among the nations.

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