Есть ответ 👍

УМОЛЯЮ составить предложение 1 never/Tom/for/is/late/school
2 holiday/you/how/a/have/often/do?
3 cinema/I/to/often/go/friends/my/with/the
4 we/Japanese/sometimes/to/a/go/restaurant
5 this/it/area/rarely/snows/in
6 breakfast/the/dad/newspaper/before/always/my/reads/

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1 Tom is never late for school.

2 How often do you have a holiday?

3 I often go to the cinema with my friends.

4 We sometimes go to a Japanese restaurant.

5 This area rarely snows in it.

6 My dad always reads the newspaper before breakfest.

1. Tom is nevee late for school

2. How often do you have a holiday?

3. I often go to the cinema with my friends

4. We sometimes go to a Japanese restaurant

5. This it area realy snows

6. My dad always reads the newspaper before breakfast

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