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Используйте слова, по теме «путешествия». 1. they had a lot of (багажа) when they travelled last month. 2. english is the (официальный) language in the uk. 3. where is your (страховка), by the way? 4. have you got (через паспортный контроль) yet? 5. i am not sure that this ship was (непотопляемый).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. багаж – luggage 2. официальный – official 3. — 4. через паспортный контроль – through the passport control 5. непотопляемый – unsinkable

1. They won't go to the party, will they?

2. This house is new, isn't it?

3. My parents have got a new house, haven't they?

4. They had many tomatoes last summer, didn't they?

5. We can all make mistakes, can't we?

6. Our homework was not checked by the, was it?

Популярно: Английский язык