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перевести на с русского на английский язык. 1) Я видел фильм "Пёс".
2) Это детектив.
3) Актёр Никита Панфилов.
4) Экс полицейский Максимов и его верный четвероногий друг по кличке "Пёс" расследуют запутанные криминальные истории Пёс умеет всё: прыгать с большой высоты, взять в зубы стекло, переплывать реки.
5) Рекомендую посмотреть этот фильм не только детям, но и подросткам, и взрослым.​

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English language

8 points


Please help me translate from

Russian to English.

1) I saw the movie "Dog".

2) This is a detective story.

3) Actor Nikita Panfilov.

4) Ex-policeman Maximov and his

faithful four-legged friend named "Dog"

investigate complicated criminal

stories The dog can do everything: jump from a great

height, take glass in his teeth, swim

across rivers.

5) I recommend watching this film not

only for children, but also for teenagers and adults.

andrei85example - middling

the answer




Past progressive: he was playing soccer yesterday. she was dancing hip-hop two days ago. they were in the beach last saturday. we were in the shoping center yesterday. he was in tom's house at 3: 00. past perfect: i swam in the pool. i opened a present. he had the lunch too at 13: 00. she drew a picture. we made a surprise for michael.

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