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Выберите верный вариант. 1. Ask Kate to join__our party. A at B to C in D - 2. I wonder when the next number of this journal__. A will come out B comes out C would come out D cease out 3. When I came home, my brother__to the cinema. A went B had gone C was going D has gone 4. Don't let the boy__out so long. A to stay B stay C staying D be stayed 5. 'What a language English is!' a Frenchman exclaimed__despair. A out of B from C in D at 6. It is unfair of you to be angry with the man. He__away for 2 weeks and you can't blame him for these mistales. A has been B was C is D had been 7. He knows__people. A so much B so many C such many D as many 8. We shall discuss carefully all the questions__at the last meeting. A arose B rised C rose D raised 9. A youth festival__in our town next summer. A will be hold B will hold C will be held D will be holded 10. He won't write unless he__your help. A will need B needs C would need D need​

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Many companies are in a similar position, but/while/and/whereas our costs are especially high. любое вставляй

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