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1. In the past, people used to the sun at Stonehenge. A) Preserve
B) Survive
C) Worship
D) Damage
2. Choose the correct word. It stops the harmful rays from the Earth.
A) Allows
B) Rise
C) Surrounds
D) Reaching
3. Fill in an appropriate word. Some animals will become in the next few years.
A) Endangered
B) Exhaust
C) Symbol
D) Extinct
4. Fill in an appropriate word. We need to act now if our historical sites are to
A) Damage
B) Preserve
C) Survive
D) worship
5. Choose the correct item. Rovers send the valuable information Earth.
A) At
B) In
C) To
D) For
6. One way in which we can reduce is by washing our clothes at a
lower temperature.
A) Air pollution
B) Global warming
C) Endangered species
D) Energy waste
7. We use the present perfect for fixed arrangements in the future, especially if we know the
date or time.
A) True
B) False
8. Choose the wrong answer. We use be going to:
A) to talk about actions which started in the past and continue up to the present
B) to talk about future plans
C) to make predictions based on what we can see.
D) to talk about intentions.
9. Make up interrogative sentence with will.
year/ Will/ to/ London/ go/ a /times/ few/you /next/?
A) I will go to London a few times next year.
B) I won`t go London a few times next year.
C) Do you go to London a few times?
D) Will you go to London a few times next year?
10. Fill in: will or be going to and the verb in brackets. By the looks of it, it
(start) raining pretty soon.
A) Will start

B) `s going to start
C) Are going to start
D) Have started
11. I can’t come to the cinema tonight. I (have) dinner at my grandparents’.
A) Are going to have
B) Have
C) `m going to have
D) Will have
12. Fill in: will or be going to. Look! They to wash the car.
A) `s going to
B) `re going to
C) Will
D) are
13. Put the words in the correct order to form predictions.
A) Car exhaust fumes will pollution increase
B) Air pollution will exhaust fumes increase car
C) Car exhaust fumes will increase air pollution
D) Car exhaust will increase fumes air pollution
14. Match the problem to the solution. Energy waste.
A) use public transport
B) recycle
C) protect endangered species
D) turn off power when not using appliances
15. Make up negative sentence with be going to. study/ tonight/not/am/ I /going /to
A) You are not going to study tonight
B) I`m not going to study tonight
C) I am going to study tonight
D) Do you going to study tonight​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Five minutes past one ,a thirteen minutes past two, a fiveteen minutes past four, a half past five, a sixteen minutes to four, a fiveteen minutes to eight, a one minute to nine, a eleven o' clock.


после начала часа до 30 минут пишется past, half- когда 17:30 например, ровно одиннадцать часов o' clock, после 30 минут например 16:51 мы уже относим к слейдуешему часу, т . е. to (a nine minutes to five)

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