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Проверьте . 1. i have been hearing of him ever since i was born. 2. by the time you arrived we have left. 3. the students will have knowing the results of the examination by 3 o'clock tomorrow. 4. by 5 o'clock the congress had adopted the draft program. 5. after they have presented the draft of the program, long debates took place. 6. i have did already all my lessons. 7. he has rejected just our
proposal. 8. our family have living in this street since we got a new flat.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i have heard of him ever since i was born. (глагол hear никогда не используется во временах группы continuous/progressive)

2. by the time you arrived we had left. ("к тому времени когда вы прибыли, мы уже ушли." одно действие случилось раньше другого - "ушли" раньше, чем "прибыли". то действие, которое случилось раньше, выражается с past perfect.)

3. the students will have known the results of the examination by 3 o'clock tomorrow. (используем future perfect так как есть слово-подсказка для этого времени - by o'clock (к часам) действие произойдет до какого-то момента в будущем - ситуация для future perfect. к тому же, голагол know во временах группы continuous/progressive не используется).

4. верно.

5. after they had presented the draft of the program, long debates took place. (используем past perfect, т.к. "предложили проект" до того, как начались дебаты - одно действие произошло раньше другого)

6. i have already done my lessons. (есть слово-подсказка для present perfect - already.  pr. perfect образуется have/has + 3 форма глагола)

7. he has just rejected our proposal. - порядок слов такой

8. our family has been living (или has lived)  in this street since we got a new flat. (используем present perfect continuous/progressive, который образуется have/has been + глагол с окончанием -ing)





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