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2. had never (не была) to Covers Corders, (see theatre artists. questions and Janet to about the performance (представленне)? Match the and the
1. How long was the perform-
2. Were you watching it for two
3. Were your parents watching
the performance with you?
4. How long was the mime artist
a) Five or six. I don't remember,
b) For half an hour, But was great!
c) Yest He was. It was
very big unicycle!
standing still?
5. How many instruments was the
musician playing at once?
6. How many balls was the jug
gier juggling at once? 2
7. Was the artist riding a special
8. What were the people around
d) Three at once!
e) For two hours!
f) Yes, I was, It was exciting!
g) Oh, no, they weren't
They were shopping.
h) They were shouting and
clapping all the time!
Unit 4

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Ответы на вопрос:

традиционный корейский костюм называется ханбок. жители кореи этот же наряд называют чосонот. выглядит национальный наряд жителей корее ярко, несмотря на то, что наряды состоят из однотонных тканей. на протяжении долгого времени костюм менялся, вбирая в себя черты европейских нарядов.

the traditional korean costume is called hanbok. residents of korea call this chosonot outfit. the national outfit of the people of korea looks very bright, despite the fact that the outfits consist of plain fabrics. for a long time, the costume changed, incorporating the features of european attire.

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