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Выберите правильный вариант.1. I ... at home a) am,b) is,c) are 2. They are ... .a) a student,b) student,c) students 3. He's a famous actor.- ... a) Is it?,b) Is he?,c) Has he? 4. He is a ... . a) sporsmen, b) sportsman, c) engineer 5. The girls are good at languages, ... ?a) aren't they, b) are they, c) are you 6. She is ... . a) mother, b) friends, c) brother 7. ... in the hall or in the classroom? a) Is he, b) He is, c) Does he 8. Is it ... pencil sharpener? a) he, b) him, c) his 9. I ... a desk. a) have got, b) has got, c) am 10. ... women are from England. a) Those, b) That, c) A 11. He is an ... poet. a) great, b) Russian, c) English 12. ... sportsman is from Italy. a) Those, b)That, c) A 13. Who is from Russia? - ... a) They. b) They have. c) They are. 14 Who has got a calculator? - ... a) We. b) We have. c) We are. 15. They are acrobats. - ... a) Are they? b) Is it? c) Are you?

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ответ:am,students,is he?,sportsman,aren’t they?,mother,Does he,his,have got,that,English,that,they are,we have,are they

My dream job would be becoming a professional baseball player. I grew up playing little league baseball. I was not the best player on the team; but playing baseball was something I would look forward to doing every day and just have fun doing it. I haven’t played baseball for the last four years. I really missed the times when I would just have that happy feeling when my dad would drive up to the park, when I would get a base hit, when I would catch a fly ball, or just the fact that I was a part of a team.

So many baseball players these days take their jobs for granted. Many play baseball not just because they are good at it, but because of the money. Alex Rodriguez signed a $252 million contract for the Texas Rangers in 2000. Anybody in the entire world would love to be in his shoes. After all, what would you do with $252 million? For myself, I would love to be in Alex Rodriguez’s shoes, not because of the money, not because of the fame, but because if I were in his shoes, I would just treasure every moment of every second that I am on the field.

I would feel like the luckiest person alive every time I am reminded that I am living the dream, a dream that many people like myself would die to get the chance to do.

Example: A lot of players take their jobs for granted. True


1. Kenneth would like to be a basketball player because he was always

the best in the team.

2. He enjoyed himself while playing baseball.


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