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А) Преобразуйте предложение в общий падеж выбрав предлог to, of, by, with, about и переведите его по смыслу письменно. 1.It’s photo … our family. 2. The book is written … Toltien. 3. He gave a ball … his friends. 4. She cut an apple … a knife. 5. … 2 students are absent at the lesson. B). Поставьте существительные в притяжательный падеж и переведите его письменно.
1. the car of my father
2. the room of his sisters
3.the clothes of those women
4. the lives of the people
5.the hat of polisman

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Ответы на вопрос:

A) 1. Its a photo of our family.

2. The book is written by Toltien.

3.He gave a ball to his friends.

4.She can cut an apple with a knife.

5. About 2 students are absent at the lesson.

B) 1.(My father's car) Машина моего отца.

2. (His sisters' room) Комната его сестер.

3. (Those women's clothes) Одежда этих женщин.

4. (The people's lives) Жизни людей.

5. (Polisman's hat) головной убор полицейского.

1. I don't know where my book is. I must look for it.

2. Fill in the form, please.

3. The music is too loud. Could you turn down the volume, please?

4. Quick, get on the bus or you'll have to walk home.

5. Turn off the lights when you go to bed.


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