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A. Используйте глаголы в скобках в форме Present Continuous или Present Simple 1) I English exercises twice a week. (to write)

2) My friend his homework in the afternoon every day. (to do)

3) My sister her homework now. (to do)

4) Don’t shout!(Не кричи!) The baby . (to sleep)

5) The baby always after dinner. (to sleep)

6) What you now? (to read)

7) What books youat your literature lessons? (to read)

8) What your mother usually for lunch? (to cook)

9) she a cake now? (to cook)

* Обращайте внимание на маркеры времени ! Решите сначала какое время, повторяющиеся действия или действие в данный момент, Present Simple или Present Continuous, а потом ставьте в правильную форму в соответствии с правилами.

B. Подчеркните правильный вариант ответа.

1) Mum is cooking/ cooks at the moment.

2)I go/am going to see my grandparents every Saturday morning.

3) George is learning/ learns to play basketball now.

4) He is not having/ doesn’t have a shower right now.

5) Pete and I are playing/ play Scrabble at the moment.

С. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1) Joy …………… (go) to play volleyball in the mornings.

2) Bob ………………(play) football on Fridays.

3) Jess ………………(love) reading. It’s her favourite activity.

4) Peter ……………… (like) playing board games.

5) “What are you doing?” “I…………… (look) at my hair in the mirror.”

6) John ………………….. (run) around in the garden at the moment.

7) Ken ………………… (have) a shower right now.

D. Исправьте ошибки. Напишите предложение правильно рядом с неправильным.

1) We are play football every day.-

2) Robin flying. -

3) Who are cooking breakfast? -

4) Does he speaking English now? -

5) Are you understanding me? -

6) He is walk his dog every Saturday. -

7) He is goes to school at the moment. -

8) Do you likes English? -

9) What are you do now? -

10)At school he does reads and writes. -

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