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John lives in apartment with his mom, dad and sister Katy.
apartment has three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and
living room. John’s mom works in office and his dad stays
at home and looks after apartment. He spends much of
his time in kitchen, preparing meals. John and Katy help their dad with
housework. John likes using vacuum cleaner and Katy likes
to sweep floor. Dad gives John and Katy money when they help him. They
usually spend the money on computer games!

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:Джон живет в квартире с мамой, папой и сестрой Кэти.

квартира состоит из трех спален, кухни, ванной комнаты и

гостиной. Мама Джона работает в офисе, а папа остается

дома и присматривает за квартирой. Большую часть времени он проводит

на кухне, готовя еду. Джон и Кэти отцу по

хозяйству. Джон любит пользоваться пылесосом, а Кэти любит

подметать пол. Папа дает Джону и Кэти деньги, когда они ему Они

обычно тратят деньги на компьютерные игры!


1. from this text we learned that graduates from schools in england often cannot find a job. 3 the teacher asked us which specialty we would choose after graduation. 4 i was asked which professions our women could choose. 5. do you know that you can get a specialty nurse in this college? 6. my friend said that next year he will receive a certificate of school education, 7, the dean spoke about the new rules for admission to universities this year. 8. he recalled that students must undergo a medical examination.

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