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с английским 1. Choose the correct answer.
1) She in 1942.
1) died
2) was dying
3) live
2) She a happy life.
1) lived
2) die
3) born
3) Let me tell you about the of this great writer.
1) was born
2) live
3) biography
4) She always raises money for .
1) live
2) charity
3) become
5) She a doctor two years ago.
1) lives
2) became
3) were born

2. Choose the correct answer.
1) I feel towards this amazing writer.
1) admiration
2) were born
3) become
2) He got a special for his research.
1) die
2) prize
3) brought up
3) He was in November.
1) born
2) were born
3) become
4) He science in 1940.
1) biography
2) die
3) studied
5) Jane was by her mother.
1) brought up
2) biography
3) died

3. Choose the correct answer.
1) He was in Moscow in 1961.
1) was died
2) born
3) biography
2) John this beautiful piece of art.
1) biography
2) died
3) created
3) They got in January.
1) married
2) died
3) prize
4) He was by his parents in London.
1) respect
2) prize
3) brought up
5) She him a new magazine.
1) died
2) biography
3) brought

4. Match the words.
1) date a) for
2) famous b) up
3) married c) charity
4) brought d) of birth
5) raise money for e) in 1998

5. Choose the correct answer.
1) They have been married/created for 10 years.
2) My brother wants to become/born an astronaut when he grows up.
3) Your homework is to write an essay about the live/biography of a famous person.
4) He was born/was died in a small village near Paris.
5) She died/brought up of typhus.
6. Choose the correct answer.
1) I respect/born my teachers very much.
2) She created/biography this wonderful picture.
3) She was died/lived there in 1998.
4) Local charity/admiration raised a lot of money for the poor.
5) She was born/studying yesterday the whole day.
7. Match the words with their definitions.
1) biography a) be raised by
2) bring up b) learn
3) study c) a story of somebody’s life
4) create d) exist
5) live e) make something new

8. Choose the correct answer.
1) I brought/brought up you some products from the shop.
2) Mr Brown is very died/respected by his students.
3) She has become/study a director of this film recently.
4) She was brought up/respect in the outskirts of London.
5) Kate got a charity/prize in the competition.

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тут даже не понятно что написано!

Текст 1: мы живем в мире, может быть опасной. некоторые люди должны иметь телохранителя, чтобы защитить их и от целых семей. политиков почти во всех странах находятся под защитой телохранителя. президент всех стран никогда не хожу никуда без своих тайных агентов servicce. важных деловых людей и рок-звезд также могут иметь телохранителей, чтобы защитить их .

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