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Страдательный залог часто используется, когда в центре внимания находится лицо или предмет, который подвергается действию, при описании процессов или когда не важен исполнитель. Переделайте предложения так, чтобы они содержали сказуемое в страдательном залоге, и подумайте, какой залог уместнее использовать в каждом случае и почему. 1) Dr Brown widely used statistical methods in his field.
2) I am going to submit a paper to the program committee.
3) Landau introduced the conception of energy density matrix in 1927.
4) We have processed the data obtained with the help of a computer.
5) This procedure reduces the energy losses.
6) Visualisation specialists often use conceptual illustration and data-driven visualizations interchangeably.
7) They projected graphics in stereo onto three walls and the floor.
8) They are displaying both input circuit parameter values and output signal in the same space.
9) A biologist can link sells together into networks, and even systems of networks, to explore how the brain's circuits work.
10) People have used numbers for record-keeping and commercial transactions for centuries.
11) They maintained these conditions throughout the experiment.
12) No one can do anything unless someone can give us more information.
13) Everyone may use this program both to explore precomputed datasets and to interactively steer supercomputer simulations.
14) Participants wear stereo glasses to view the images in 3D.
15) In a recent article in Science, authors have discussed the difficulty of evaluating numerical simulations.
16) A group of researchers has created these models recently using General Neural Simulation System, a versatile software package developed a decade ago.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. present simple 2. present simple 3. present continues 4. present simple 5. present simple 6. present continues 7 present continues 8. present simple 9. present simple 10. present simple

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