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1.Choose the correct answer. What does the word "Toshqo`rg`on " mean? a)Mountain b)a stone c) a castle of stone d)a house

2.Choose the correct answer. There … a big tree

a)are b) is c) have d) has

3.Choose the correct answer. There ... many apple trees. a)is b) are c)has d)have

4. Choose the correct answer….is a castle on the hillis very old.

a)There / it b)it / there c)their / it d)it / it

5.Choose the correct answer. Have you ...your work? a)finish b)finished c)have finished d)finishing

6.Choose the correct answer. She helped her father a)have b)do c)has d)does

7.Choose the correct answer. I have … new books from the library.

a)bring b)brings c)brought d)bought

8.Choose the correct answer. He has … his room .

a) tidy b)tidied c)tidyed d)tidyes

9.Translate into English "tomog`i og`rimoq"

a)to catch a cold b)to have a sore throat c)to have a headache d)to have a stomachache

10. Translate into Uzbek . Use three drops in your ear four times a day.

a)Kuniga 4 marta 3 tomchidan qulog`ingizga tomizing. b)Kuniga 3 marta 4 tomchidan qulog`ingizga tomizing. c) Kuniga 4 marta 3 tomchidan ko`zingizga tomizing. d) Kuniga 3 marta 4 tomchidan ko`zingizga tomizing.

11. Put the verbs into the Present Perfect . I a letter to my friend this month.

a)not write b) do not write c)doesn`t write d)have not written

12.Complete the sentences with the correct word. She has a friendly face . I think she is ...

a)unkind b)kind c)kindly d)kindless

13. Complete the sentences with the correct word. He look sad. I think he is ……

a)unhappy b)happy c)happiness d)happily

14. Complete the sentences with the correct word .Please, pick up your things. This room is very

a)tidy b)untidy c)tidied d)tidies

15.Put the words in correct word order, a headache /friend / got / has / my.

a)Friend has got my a headache b) My friend has got a headache

c)Has got my friend a headache d)My friend a headache has got.

16.Put the words in correct word order. a pain / my knee / in/got /I`ve

a)My knee a pain I`ve got in b)I` ve got a pain my knee in c)I`ve got a pain in my knee d)I`ve a pain in my knee got

17.Choose the correct answer . I… karate.

a)play b)do c) does d) plays

18. Choose the correct answer .He … chess.

a)do b)does c)play d)plays

19. Choose the correct answer .I like football .

a) So, I do b) So, do I c)No I do d)Nor do I

20 . Choose the correct answer . I don`t like volleyball.

a)So , do I b)No I do c) Nor do I d)So , I do

21.Choose the correct answer. When was born Oleg Ogorodov ?

a)10.II.1970 b)16.VII.1972 c)20.IX.1971 d)18.X. 1972

22.Choose the correct answer. Sport is good for us , because it makes us…

a)wealthy b)healthy c)unhealthy d)ill

23. Choose the correct answer …you broken your pencil ?

a)has b)have c)is d)are

24.Choose the correct answer .She ... seen her friend today.

a)haven t b)doesn`t c)hasn`t d)don`t

25.Choose the correct answer.I have a letter

a)write b) wrote c)written d) writes

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