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Переведите на не через "переводчик": мой любимый праздник -это день рождения.в этот праздник приходят гости и дарят подарки.мы пьем чай с тортом и веселимся.

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My favorite holiday it is a birthday on this day we have many guest they give to me many presents. we drink tea with cake and we have fun

My favorite holiday is the day of birthday.в this holiday guests come and give подарки.мы drink tea with cake and have fun.

1.      computer making industry is not developing rapidly.       .is   computer making industry developing rapidly? 2. many companies don’t often operate a bonus system for monthly and weekly-paidstaff.       do many companies often operate a bonus system for monthly and weekly-paidstaff? 3. were there      no profits or saving in the 18 th century   without surplus goods?   without surplus goods, there were not any profits or saving in the 18th century

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